Friday, July 29, 2011

Hello Panic, I'm Ekho!

I’m in for it.

Oh my god, I’m in for it tonight. I knew I would be. I sent him an email kind of expressing my feelings from last night and while I did end up waking him up for sex (which wasn’t just sex, it did go further, lots of breast play), it hadn’t been what I wanted…and oh my god, I have to be honest, part of me is panicking and wondering why I didn’t just keep my mouth shut!

We went grocery shopping and bought a new wooden spoon just for sex and a 50 pack of clothespins. Holy crap, I hadn’t even thought of clothespins! I’ve been nervous and edgy since we got home, going between nervous anticipation and panic.

He’s been talking about his plans for tonight – beating my ass with the spoon, finding out how many clothespins I can take, finding out how much cucumber I can take up my ass…

…did I forget to mention the cucumber? Yeah, he picked out one that looks fucking huge to me. Cue panic. Cue a very wet, very nervous me. Holy fuck.

He did a little bit of spanking me with the spoon a little bit ago while our daughter was in the playroom, trying out both ends, and OW. He did no warm up and shit, that hurt!

And of course, being the smart ass that I am (no pun intended), I promptly chastised him for only getting one cheek. Which he promptly remedied, of course, but oh shit.

I’m so in for it tonight.

And the ice on the cake – he told me flat out he’s planning to sauce my clit. That’s enough to freak out about, because that’s growing into a decidedly love/hate thing.

But the real icing? I can’t scream tonight, or he’s saucing my ass too – at the same time.

I can’t be silent. I’m not silent during regular sex.

And he is going to push me to screaming…without a doubt.

I have no chance.

Hello, panic – I’m Ekho!

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